Museum of The Future

Effisus Project

The Museum of the Future located in Dubai, UAE, is the place to be regarding innovation and design trends. After years of temporary exhibitions held at the World Government Summit, the Museum of the Future was thought as the definitive place for showing tomorrow’s futuristic tendencies.

The novelty starts in the building itself, as it is built in part using 3D printing technologies, allowing it to change over the years and reflect the latest progresses.

It is expected to attract tourists all over the world with advanced courses and specialized workshops, as well as public talks and events. It is also provided with innovation facilities such as universities, companies and research partners.

Effisus Ecofacade integrated solution and Effisus Bonding KF+P Adhesive were used to ensure water and air tightness of façades connections. Effisus Bond FT Tape, Effisus Titegutter3 and Effisus Stopper were also used in this project

Museum of the Future

Installed Solutions

Effisus Ecofacade

Effisus Bonding KF+P Adhesive

Effisus Bond FT

Effisus Titegutter3

Effisus Stopper