Certification of Suppliers

Within the scope of the Quality Management System Certification process and in order to comply with the requirements of Reference Standard NP EN ISO 9001:2015, UP-WAY SYSTEMS/EFFISUS periodically assesses its external suppliers. This process is carried out annually and results in the issuing of the List of Approved Suppliers for the following period.

The methodology used for the purposes of this process was custom-designed for the Company, and was based on a set of criteria that it considers paramount for the performance of its external suppliers. These certification criteria are specified in the following table:

4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point
1. Non-compliance Specifications

(Relates the number of complaints for non-compliance with requirements to the number of deliveries)

0% ≤ 3% >3% e ≤ 10% >10%
2. Communication
Easy to communicate with the sales representative When unavailable, contacts later. When unavailable, rarely contacts later. Impossible to communicate with the sales representative.
3. Strategic Supplier
This supplier is strategic for the company. There is one alternative supplier. There are two alternative suppliers. There are at least three alternative suppliers.
4. Prices
Very good prices. Good prices. Reasonable prices. Uncompetitive prices.

Once these 4 criteria have been scored and the total score calculated, the supplier is classified into 4 distinct categories.

Points Description
A. Recommended and preferred supplier
≥85% The supplier performs excellently and is important to the company’s strategy.
B. Regular supplier
≥65% The supplier performs regularly and is acceptable to the company’s strategy. However, suggestions for improvement might need to be made.
C. Alternative supplier
≥50% The supplier is at the acceptability limit. They will be informed regarding the rating obtained, shortcomings detected and the need to define an improvement strategy to address those shortcomings in order to achieve a better rating and avoid exclusion.
D. Supplier to exclude
< 50% Supplier to exclude. The supplier will not be included in the List of Approved Suppliers for the following year.

Committed, as ever, to a culture of transparency towards its external suppliers and sure in the knowledge that this is the best way to strengthen partnerships between the parties concerned, UP-WAY SYSTEMS/EFFISUS is at your complete disposal for any further clarification.