“Nowadays the idea of the total engineer / total designer is obsolete and the solutions are obtained from the teamwork of multiple intellects, each expert in a particular subject.
In the engineering and designing of facades, as in many aspects in life, the difference lies in experience. Working from the beginning with the right partnership is essential to achieve the goals of the project. The experience of one member contributes to the team experience.
In the dynamic world of facades, a good partnership allows an easy communication (the possibility of picking up the phone, or sending an email and having an immediate response) and improves the group’s technical competitiveness (the clear and concise answers demonstrate their knowledge in the subject).
In the complex world of waterproofing an error can be paid dearly. When the building envelope is already installed, the fact of solving one issue of water infiltration could cause many headaches and it has serious repercussions in the costs of the project as well as a negative impact at the marketing sector for the companies involves in the process.
In many projects, the ability to resolve non-standard details makes all the difference. After a global knowledge of the project, it is vital to make a global analysis of the proposed weather tightness solution, with the intention of standardizing as much as possible. However, it is not possible to put this into practice in 100 % of the solutions, and there are always areas of particular consultation.
Studying the whole project from the beginning as well as making a local study of non-standard solutions is vital in order not to find yourself on dead-end roads in advanced phases of the project, when time is of the essence and people on site are asking for material to install.
Henry Ford: “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself. The strength of the team is each individual member”.
Our team of consultants will work with you to design the ideal waterproofing solution for your project!
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