Happy customers are our best business card

By 14 Janeiro, 2019Effisus

Your facade project is a tremendous challenge?

With our team of consultants, it will be possible to detail every aspect: it turns the process less costly and within the project time frame.

This is what happened with Royal Wharf & Gresham Street 55 projects, in which Effisus worked together with the Martifer UK team.

And this is how our client feels about the experience:

“Upway is recognised across the world in waterproofing, sealing, thermal and acoustic insulation, as well as improving the energy efficiency of buildings. Providing sealant solutions for the complete building envelope, have gained a detailed understanding of the demands faced in all of Europe’s climatic zones specially.
Upway thinking every other day in Innovation for Tomorrow. Any concept has been the common thread throughout this company’s history. Today more than ever before the key challenge is to incorporate the latest research into new products that aim to exceed the expectations and to come up with system solutions and extensive services in construction that simply and make any application easier.
In addition products Upway have consulting design services since the design stage through the training on site and perform as third party inspector during construction period.
They are committed to providing innovative, integrated products and services that contribute to high performance, efficient outcomes for the built environment and take into account the impact on people, energy and resources, especially in this two projects where together we integrated the detailed design in all the interfaces with all materials in the build-up.
It is a pleasure to work with Upway, not only were they fast and proficient, but extremely polite and professional as well.”


Daniel Machado

Operations Director – MARTIFER UK

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To learn more about this partnership and the Effisus solutions used in this project read the full article ‘Detailing’.

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